What’s wrong with my child’s nea…

What are the factors that cause myopia in children?

Factor one: heredity. According to data analysis, if both parents have myopia, and the degree 兒童近視控制鏡片價格 is above 600 degrees, then the child’s chance of developing myopia in the future is 33%.

Two factors: bad eye habits. In our daily lives, we often hear Ma Bao say “raise your head, don’t lower your head" from time to time when teaching children homework. In fact, this bad eye-use habit not only easily leads to myopia in children, but also harms their cervical spine.

Factor 3: Too frequent use of electronic technology products. Since many children in our country have been exposed to electronic information products since they were young, such as online lessons, watching TV, playing games with mobile phones, and watching videos, these e-commerce products can cause serious damage to the children’s eyes through excessive use and easily lead to myopia. The deepening.

Factor four: lack of exercise. Nowadays, many children do not have the habit of going out either during school holidays or in their daily lives. During school holidays, they are in the classroom and watching TV at home, which leads to very few outdoor sports.

Factor five: lack of sleep. If the child does not get enough sleep, it will easily lead to visual fatigue, brain swelling and other phenomena. Because the brain is not fully rested, the burden on the eyes will increase, which will promote the occurrence of myopia.

Factor six: light problems. If the child reads and does homework in an environment where the light is too strong or too dark, it is easy to cause the child’s visual fatigue, which will not only cause the child’s myopia, but also aggravate the myopia problem.

What should I do if my child has myopia? How should I learn how to prevent it effectively?

First of all, increasing outdoor sports activities is the best way to prevent myopia. It can be done through time issues such as walking to and from school, class, noon, weekdays, weekends, winter and summer vacations, learning arrangements for children, and some outdoor games. These are all for protection. A good way of vision.

Secondly, cultivate a good eye-use habit for your children, so that when reading and writing, the eyes are kept one foot away from the knowledge of the book, and the body and the table can be kept at a distance of about one punch.

Third, the reading and writing environment is very important. Don’t let children read books or play with mobile phones in turbulent carriages in too bright or dark environments. Reading and writing at night can be combined with the ceiling lamp in the room and the reading and writing desk lamp, which should be placed in front of the person opposite the writer.

In addition, you should control the number and time your children can use electronic technology products. If you need to learn and live, you should choose electronic information products with a large screen. When watching, you should adjust the appropriate brightness to avoid too bright or too dark, like Small and medium-sized e-commerce products should not exceed 15 minutes at a time and the accumulated daily amount should not exceed 1 hour. It is also important to avoid giving children the ability to use electronic company products before going to bed; preschool children try not to touch electronic industrial products as much as possible.

Finally, ensure adequate sleep and avoid irregular behaviors such as going to bed late and getting up late. In addition, the daily diet should be balanced with these nutritional educations, not partial eclipse, you can eat more economic fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc., and we must also control the intake of sweets.


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