High blood fat diet taboo: sugar…

In modern times where chemical food technology is quite mature, many food ingredients contain many additives in addition to natural raw materials, such as saccharin, trans fat and other ingredients. If you accidentally take too much, it will easily cause a burden on the body. Here are the four ingredients to avoid eating too much:

High blood fat ingredient 1: Sugar (fructose)

Too much sugar will increase the burden on the body, especially fructose. Because its structure is different from other sugars, it can directly avoid the body’s mouth and liver, enter the 血脂肪天然成分 cycle, and quickly form triglycerides.

Hyperlipidemia diet component 2: trans fat

Trans fats increase bad cholesterol (LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), lower good cholesterol (HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and increase the probability of cardiovascular obstruction.

Diet component 3: Alcohol

Because alcohol can activate lipase in adipose tissue, release fatty acids into the blood, accelerate the synthesis of triglycerides, and also reduce the efficiency of lipoprotein clearance and induce hyperlipidemia.

High blood lipid patients not to eat ingredient 4: refined starch

In addition, avoid large amounts of foods made from processed bran and seed coats, such as “refined starch" foods such as toast, bread, and doughnuts, because these foods will cause blood sugar to rise rapidly, causing the body to exceed the upper limit of calories in an instant. Accelerate lipid accumulation.

However, in addition to avoiding the intake of more harmful food ingredients, to eliminate the body’s annoying blood lipids, we must start from usual habits.


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